A keynote address will be delivered by Zoe Radnor (Professor of Operations Management, Cardiff University), and there will be a number of workshops run by colleagues who have delivered efficiencies successfully, both from HE and organisations in the private sector (e.g. on shared services, lean, idea capture schemes etc.).
All are welcome, and the conference is specifically aimed at managers in university professional services, who want to find out more about how their department or unit could work more efficiently and effectively.
Online booking will open in mid-October. To find out more about the conference, visit the website at: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/spc/stratplan/hefcecreatingvalue/conference or contact the conference organisers Steph Sanders (s.a.sanders@exeter.ac.uk) and Iain Springate (i.e.springate@exeter.ac.uk).
Researcher and Project Manager- 'Creating Value'
Strategic Planning and Change
University of Exeter
01392 726195
****************************** Creating Value conference: Provisional programme
The provisional programme is subject to change, and will be updated as speakers and their precise topics are confirmed.9.00-9.45: Registration and refreshments
9.45-10.00: WelcomePatrick Kennedy, Director of Strategic Planning and Change, University of Exeter.
10.00-11.00: Keynote address, followed by questionsProfessor Zoe Radnor, University of Cardiff
11.00-11.20 Break and refreshments
11.20-12.10: Workshops
- Implementing Lean thinking- Capgemini. Lean is a generic process management philosophy, looking to make processes as efficient as possible, whilst delivering maximum value for the customer. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the concept of Lean, and consider what the benefits of implementing it might be for universities, based on the example of a large institution that is currently implementing Lean.
- Data mining to identify potential efficiencies. This workshop will discuss how large datasets relating to core university processes can be interrogated to look at how efficient processes are, where savings and improvements could be made, and to provide an ongoing measure of efficiency of processes. The workshop will use as a case study work being done at the University of Exeter to identify gaps in data being collected and to fill them, as well as to interrogate existing datasets in order to identify and deliver savings.
- Using idea capture schemes to gather intelligence from staff on working more efficiently and effectively- Anthony Denatale, Ideas UK. Staff often have great ideas about how their organisations could work more efficiently and effectively. This workshop will look at the benefits of staff suggestion schemes, and how to plan and run one successfully in a university.
- Making shared services successful- Carol Mills, Director of HR, University of Liverpool. Shared services has been identified by Universities UK, among others, as a potential way for universities to make savings. This workshop will look at how universities can make shared services a success, particularly drawing on experience from Liverpool.
1-1.45pm Lunch
1.45-2.30pm Workshops (repeated)
2.35-3.30pm Making it happen: Increasing efficiency and effectivenessThis session will involve a panel discussion and question and answer session, focusing on ways delegates can take forward some of the ideas presented at the conference, including key challenges and change enablers.
3.30pm Conference close
Creating Value conference: Who should attend and cost
The conference is open to all, and is specifically aimed at managers in HE working within professional services, who want to find out more about how their department or unit could work more efficiently, and save time and/or money.
Examples of staff that might like to attend are:
- Faculty/School managers
- Assistant Faculty/School managers
- Directors/Assistant of Planning/Projects
- Directors/Assistant Directors of finance
- Project Managers
- Team leaders.
Creating Value: Delivering more with less in Higher Education
The University of Exeter is organising a conference entitled ‘Creating Value: Delivering more with less in Higher Education’ on the 5th January 2012. Delegates will hear about practical approaches that universities and those from other sectors have used to successfully deliver more with less, and increase efficiency and effectiveness.This is important given the difficult economic climate, which, allied with the new funding regime, increasing expectations of students, and increasing global competition, means that to succeed, universities need to become more efficient, agile, and skilled at delivering more with less.
The conference will focus on different ways that universities have successfully delivered efficiencies, as well as examples of what those in other sectors have done that are applicable to HE, and will aim to provide information and ideas for HE staff to take away and apply in their institutions. The conference will draw on good practice from within and beyond HE, including the work of the HEFCE-funded ‘Creating Value’ project, which has developed an evidence-based set of resources to aid managers in HE to deliver more with less.
The conference will include:
- Keynote presentation from Zoe Radnor (Professor of Operations Management at Cardiff University Business School), who has conducted important research into how institutions, including universities, are improving efficiency/effectiveness
- Practical workshops on delivering efficiencies (e.g. implementing Lean, data mining to deliver efficiencies, idea capture schemes focused on making savings, and sharing services effectively)
- Speed Updates from several universities about how they are delivering efficiencies
- Launch of a set of online resources to help managers in universities deliver efficiencies
- Panel discussion focused on how to take the ideas from the conference and put them into practice.
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